rebelbearshark ® and how we roll ® registered trademarks of Knee Deep in High Cotton, LLC.

A Knee Deep in High Cotton, LLC (and all associated, trademarked brands including rebelbearshark and How We Roll) trademark is any mark, logo, symbol, nickname, letter(s), word(s), or derivatives that can be associated with the LLC and its brand(s) and can be distinguished from those of other institutions or entities. Any use of these letters, words, or designs is strictly prohibited. 

Knee Deep in High Cotton, LLC is a registered business in the state of Tennessee and has been operational since November 2015.

Regarding all current and future trademarks associated with Knee Deep in High Cotton, LLC (and all associated, trademarked brands including rebelbearshark® , How We Roll™, and Knee Deep in High Cotton): In the United States, parties are not required to register their marks to obtain protectable rights. “Common Law” rights are established based solely on use of a mark, logo, symbol, nickname, letter(s), word(s) or derivatives in commerce, without a registration.

Using the word rebelbearshark® or the words How We Roll ® or the words Knee Deep in High Cotton™ or the associated marks, logos, symbols, nicknames, letters, words, or any derivatives of aforementioned that can be associated with the LLC and its brands in any commerce is strictly prohibited.

If you are interesting in licensing information, you may contact Knee Deep in High Cotton, LLC.